
Foni Mesa

Voice witHin

It Pays To Build It

“………………” Believe me it’s just a five letter word but acts like karma . If you build it, it pays if you break it, it will make you pay.

It has built empires and destroyed legacies as well. You don’t stand a chance if you mess with it.

One ingredient apart from all others though abstract in nature . Be it policy, process, ethics or come what may which builds an organisation, empire or people, is this little lethal weapon and the most important of all aspects.

At times it can be an altruistic factor to gain it but once done you are now standing tall ready for the show and so is vice versa.

The entire cycle goes around with this lethal weapon in combo ….however refined sophisticated and robust the system is if you lack this little angle, you are bound to fail.

I was once going through the book named “MADE IN JAPAN, AKIO MORITA and SONY” and discovered the extent they were aligned to it. A flashback into inception and the legacy it is carrying today and way to go, I certainly believe this X factor plays a vital role. I am trying to make you gauge a bigger picture of what it is capable of though not alone.

It all depends on how you deal with it. The choice is yours.

Make or Break
Flourish or Falter
Zenith or Nadir

There are only two ends to it .
……….”Trust” me it pays to build it.

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