When you are in the driving seat. It’s you who is responsible for delivering. Take charge and trust your guts, a lot depends on you and “The Lots” are dependent on you.
To drive through the path less tread, the leadership “trait” is more important than skill. Tough times calls for this lethal weapon in action. The more you trust it the more you enhance it in good faith.
This quality has enabled many a visionary to cross the bridge, others who lacked, fumbled on the way.
The legendary Jack Ma has done so (crossed the bridge and quite often). Quite strong a gut….!! Bringing the internet to the part of the world where no one knew about it, when it was a revolutionary thing and then the perception of it to pull things further to glory by harnessing the shear strength and capability of it.
Discovering the technology, making the websites for the companies in their mother land to becoming a conglomerate.
The dashboard he created by hopping on the drivers seat to drive past all odds is what “Leadership Traits” can do and achieve.