To be the best one should be able to handle the worst.
If you sustain, this is what makes you. Great leaders, visionaries and entrepreneurs have had their fair share of this bitter pie and thats what has made them today for what they are. Listening to the success stories seems so effortless but on the contrary it’s just the opposite.
Great corporations today focus on what failures one has faced and how they overcame it while hiring the top brass for them and this is no coincidence. It’s a shear learning curve derived from the lives of these visionaries, entrepreneurs and leaders.
Take for example a lesson of the magician in the cell phone revolution: “The Steve Jobs” who hired John Scully thinking that he needed an experienced operating and marketing partner. WIthin two years Steve Jobs himself went on the brink of getting fired by the campaign led by John Scully.
How the situation was handled and overcame is a point of discussion later on but the situation was faced and handled.
There may be many an instance of failures which must have been faced by this legend but the crux is that the challenge was accepted and faced.
Remember ” if you avoid failures you also avoid success.”